Workin’ Day and Night

Workin’ Day and Night

Every day I hear the comment “I don’t have enough time” or “I wish there were more hours in the day”. Sometimes, I’m the culprit. In spite of numerous demands, I recognize the need to chillax (chill out and relax) every now and then. As artists, entertainers, executives, and entrepreneurs we are often overwhelmed, stressed out, and in poor health, because relaxing seems like a luxury we can’t afford. A vacation, day off or even a power nap may be just what you need to relieve stress and increase productivity.

Since time is one resource we can’t recoup, I decided to make time management my focus for this post. When you manage your time effectively, you can get more done in less time and still produce quality results. Here are a few tips for working efficiently and managing your time effectively.

Create a “to-do” list. How often do you sit down to begin working and get side-tracked repeatedly? Maybe you become overwhelmed because you’re not sure where to start. Before you begin your work – create a “to-do” list to keep you focused. Be sure to break down large and daunting tasks so they are less overwhelming.

Prioritize your list. After you’ve created your list, prioritize your tasks. As you organize your list, take into consideration the level of importance and deadline for each action item on your list.

Delegate some tasks. Do you have an employee, intern or partner that can take some tasks off your plate? If so, create a separate list of tasks to delegate. (Be sure to specify your objectives, needs, expectations and deadlines.) Communicate regularly.

Schedule your time. Allot a certain amount of time to complete each task. Begin with the task that has the highest priority and work your way down the list. If the time you need exceeds the time you scheduled to work for the day, review your list and consider which tasks can be moved to another day’s “to-do” list. Also, consider when your energy level is at its peak and schedule your important or more daunting tasks for those times.

Set an alarm/alert. Set an alarm or alert to ring when your time is up so that you stay on task and don’t lose track of time. If the task is complete when the alarm goes off, save your work, reset the alarm and move on to the next task. If you are still working on the task when the alarm goes off, decide if it is something that you need to continue working on or if it can be completed another day. If you must continue, take a moment to review your schedule for the rest of the day and reschedule your other tasks as needed. Then take a break before you resume working so that you’re not sluggish or fatigued. If you don’t have time to continue work on it, review your schedule for the next few days and determine where you can schedule more time for that task. Then reset your alarm and move on to the next task

Other tips:

Rest or take breaks regularly – you are more productive and focused when you are well-rested. (Be sure to account for these breaks when planning your schedule.)

Keep your workspace clean – A lot of valuable time is wasted looking for lost information. Keeping your workspace clean and organized will help you work more efficiently.

Manage interruptions – Turn your phone on silent, turn off e-mail alerts and close your door while working on tasks that require focus.

Schedule time for accepting and returning calls/e-mails.